
In reality, the ceramics of talavera de Puebla did not originate in this city, was in it where he took the personality that now distinguishes it from its foundation in the colony. Eight centuries of Arab occupation of Spain left their mark on the culture of the conquerors, and part of it is reflected in the mudejar art, which includes the process of elaboration that subsists and is protected up to our days. In the 16th century, when Catholic missions that came to the new land founded the city of Puebla, the settlers found in them the characteristics necessary to obtain materials that are used for the production of pottery with a glazed finish, taking the characteristics of this new world. Puebla gave his craft his distinctive stamp, both the loceros of the time petitioned the viceroy of the new Spain protect processes, which have accessed generating a series of Ordinances that described the processes they were based on the mud and other materials obtained from the new ground, as well as their distinctive colors, which are six: Blue Gordo, forming relief, blue thin, Orange, yellow, green and black. These Ordinances lost validity with the independence of Mexico in 1910, however, artisans continued preparing it for generations, as he had ordered the viceroy, and to protect it from imitations, very popular today, was requested in 1998 the denomination of origin and protection of its elaboration completely by hand, using an official Mexican standard (NOM). The piece is made with materials originating in the area known as Talavera of Puebla, comprising the districts of Atlixco, Puebla and Cholula, Tecali, all within the geographic boundaries of the State of Puebla. The Potter formed or molded piece with mud, depending on the article in question; for example, jars or jars, using a lathe, which rotates the piece which is formed with the hands, or for dishes or trays, uses a mold.

Left to dry in the Sun until it loses moisture, to proceed to bake it. The decoration of the piece of clay, which is known as jahuete, has several styles. It begins by applying a layer of enamel, which is prepared on the site based on an amalgam of lead and Tin called alarca, and grinds with grit and water until a milky white fluid of low viscosity. The objects are covered by immersion or by runoff, cleaning the shores of support, which are called relez. It is left to the view therefore, the color of mud. I invite you to learn more about the history, development and regulation of Talavera Poblana at the following site: If you want to purchase items from Talavera Poblana, can visit Puebla Talavera. You will find a variety of articles, from set up to complete tableware: original author and source of the article.