Tag: culture & religion

North Frog

Illustrations and paintings of artist Anja Mathiesen alias time frog is now admired POSTER lounge! Leipzig, July 22, 2010 – Anja Mathiesen alias time frog “lives and works as a freelance illustrator in Hamburg in the areas of non-book, editorial, lifestyle, and fashion. She works for publishing houses, advertising agencies and companies. born in 1970…

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Rete Men

Opening on May 28, 2009 in Munich Notti Italiane No. art treatment. 1 May 28-June 29, 2009 with work by Beppe Mora, Pier Maria Leandro Romani and Massimo Fiorito Beppe Mora ERO? -Nudes: Art Director, painter and poet from Treviso/Italy draws, paints and writes since 1986 countless solo and group exhibitions (E.g. 48th Art Biennale…

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