Category: News

The Pit

For a family of 2-3 people is enough to arrange a pit of 1.5 m3. It can be a square with sides of 1 m and a depth of 1.5 m. The walls of the pit is made of wood, brick or rubble, or concrete. The bottom of the sump has a bias toward the…

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Port Administration

The paranaense and Brazilian agronegcio has given constant demonstrations of when it contributed for the Brazilian economy, generating taxes, taxes, new jobs, new investments and he has not received the minimum reciprocity from the governments that until then had been responsible for the destinations of the Paran and Brazil. (*) Arab company goes to manage…

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Spurlock Supersize

What is the quality of food in modern man? The vast majority of food we grow ourselves in an environmentally clean conditions, and we buy in the store. As a result, our table get products in which the addition of mineral nutrients, also contain nitrates, pesticides, preservatives We need our body to nitrates and pesticides?…

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A fund which exploit gold on the property, actually hardly find consistency, can a better start time October 31, 2011. Just the end Greece discussion went and already the first vote because Italy are loud. Many investors want to know at least a part of their assets and what’s better than gold? The Fund of…

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National Campaign Fund

5 launched hospital the National Campaign Fund-Drugs From 20 to 28 June 2009. ‘When shortages of drugs, health is a matter of time’ Thanks to your input, thousands of people in vulnerable situations (many with chronic diseases) can continue to receive free medicines. Refuot, Medicines Community Bank is a link between you and each of…

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Internet German

Online platform simplifies the product search on the Internet and provides free listings for solar equipment, copiers and telephone systems Strausberg/Berlin, 22 February 2011 more than 79 percent of the Germans start the search for a product or service on the Internet. This is a recently published study of the high-tech Association BITKOM. The problem:…

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German Humana

Humana launches a nationwide cooperative action in favour of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Humana launches a nationwide cooperative action in favour of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. On the Internet platform can as of now each support family-friendly facilities and projects or good ideas, the parents and facilitate the everyday life in the interactive map of happy places”enter.…

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New DualSIM Touchscreen

Allview brings a new dual-SIM touchscreen F2 crony on the market Allview brings a new dual-SIM phone F2 crony on the market, in the month of April that a 3 inch touch screen, dimensions of 107 x 53 x 12, 5 mm, camera with Flash and Internet connection through GPRS and EDGE will have. The…

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Maintaining A Good Diet

Keep a diet of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products with low fat content, which can help protect the heart. Legumes, low- fat sources of protein and certain types of fish may also reduce the risk of heart disease. Restriction of certain fats that you eat is also important. Of the types of fat…

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