New Strategies

Before the economic situation are experiencing from some time ago and which is marked by a deep economic downturn, SMEs and companies in general come each month as demand drops, stocks increase, templates are idly, prices fall, trading costs soar, defaults increase, margins are reduced alarmingly and cast doubt on the profitability of the company and in many cases until its existence. This situation we must not get carried away by the day to day and it is recommended that someone in the organization take the reins of the medium and long term while others in the team are focused on the present. Let’s say that commissioned to look into the medium and long term should look for a new business approach that often mean reinvent your business or even your own sector. The answer to many unknowns that you will find are in marketing. Next step to comment some notes to keep in mind at this time: 1. external situation complicated.

It should be based on a good analysis and diagnosis of the external situation which includes deep analysis of the economic situation of the countries in which the company operates and even new countries with regard to the assessment of a possible entry. That best time to abandon those countries where it is not profitable to operate and the evolution of the economic situation does not augur us a better future. 2. The competition. To continue with a good external analysis we should not ignore at a time so the detailed study of the competition, see what your current situation, its adaptation to the current crisis and try to reel off all their plans for the future will facilitate enormously a position when competing in moments of uncertainty.

3. Our customers. We speak with them, escuchemoslos more than ever and ofrezcamosles they need at this time. The product that needed a particular client 3 years ago may not be which needs now, we talk with them and get answers.