Month: December 2018


PRESCRIPTIONS OF NATURAL INSECTICIDES Published in the Chico periodical (ago. 2006) Heraclitus Ney Suiter If exists animals that we would not like to coexist (beyond the politicians, it is logical), these animals is the insects, mainly the flies, pernilongos and cockroachs. Beyond bothering sufficiently they can be vehicles of dissemination of diverse illnesses. ' '…

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Canary Islands

The new year away from home: how welcome you actually spend new year’s Eve? With family and friends at home or alone in front of the TV? Have sometimes the feeling last, same every new year’s Eve celebration inclusive Molybdomancy, fondue and board games? More and more people do not feel like every year new…

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Property Buying

Every month more and more of our fellow citizens seeking to put its finances in the sale of real estate Mediterranean, which proves that service statistics – from 2004 to 2007, demand for property abroad for Russians grew up in four and a half times the percentage of Russian in this market is more than…

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State Property

What are obligations for the tenant, if he returns to the apartment? Hold always and without exception in writing all the details on the return of the apartment, to experience a rude awakening. Later, you can not rely on verbal agreements. Motto: always log facts! There is no obligation of the contract parties perform a…

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Smoking And Alcohol

WHAT IT KILLS MORE? THE CIGARETTE OR THE ALCOHOL? Hard campaigns against the cigarette. Exorcismaram the cigarette. They had sung: It is forbidden to smoke (but they were with a full cup of whiskey, in the hands). They had forbidden to smoke in public distributions (but it can be stolen). In bars, snack bars and…

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Stendhal Syndrome

Very few are the Italian cities that retain the religious set full, since in most cemetery was always sacrificed for the sake of other urban developments. The monumental cemetery of Pisa is a huge rectangular cloister which is said to be built over a shipload of sacred soil from the mount where they crucified Jesus.…

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Moscow Bar Association

Having such a practice, the Moscow Bar Association, with absolute certainty can say that can help any requester businessman, while ensuring absolute total privacy of personal data and attorney's secrets. Directly to problems in the private sphere, with which most Muscovites are facing, it's all the questions about alimony and divorce in court. Any modern…

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