
Gruntuem base. If the work is used tile adhesive, then, to prevent its absorption in surface after drying alignment layer is applied on a primer. Old-surface should be thoroughly checked for defects and strength with a hammer, a nail or chisel through certain intervals. After elimination of damage to the uneven floor is recommended to use recovery solution, and the shortcomings of the surface corrected with the leveling of the solution. -When installing ceramic tile on surface, lined with tiles, check out the existing liner with a hammer. Finding loose-fitting, extending from the surface of the tiles, re-glue them in or remove and fill the voids recovery solution. In such a packing is very important to pick up a special adhesive.

-When placing tile on painted surfaces, you must first test them. Flaking paint or swollen to scrape. To increase adhesion, perform surface scoring. Next> stage is the pre-marking the walls, for how you will look after the wall raboty.Est fans pazdelyat half a nonintegral tile and ofopmlyat povephnost simmetpichno. Ha my opinion, this is not aesthetic but still tpudoemko. The correct to find the most 'visible' corner and put away, ppyacha pezanye in less visible ugly.Vnachale spread all that you can put a whole tiles, and then you can engage in undercutting. Pruning (incomplete bars) is measured individually, because of uneven walls, irregular geometry of the room, etc. tile sizes can vary significantly along the length of the series.

Cut the tiles to the size you want is not always easy, especially for floor tile varieties. We do not recommend trying to break the tiles – you can not just make a mistake with the size or break it in several places, such operation can create a crack in the tiles, it will not be visible, but over time this tile must crack the troubled spot. So much better to cut the tiles with the help of special equipment – tile, or, in extreme cases, angle grinders machines (that is, ordinary Bulgarians).

Metal Cable

But this is not the rule, as someone binds tightly, some weak, so the choice of instrument is very individual. Try knit fabric with two or three rooms hook (spokes) and select those in which the fabric is not very tight or loose. Later, when choosing a pattern, you may have to change the number of spokes, as the delicate patterns are knitted more tightly, and patterns, consisting of interwoven, – more loosely than the sock fabric. Most often used for knitting needles and hooks are made of steel. They do not bend, not break, do not stain the fabric.

Produce hooks and needles as aluminum, plastic and wood. Aluminum tools are very easy, but do not bind the product of bright yarn, because of friction yarn dirty. Therefore, they are used only for knitting yarn dark tones. For a thick fluffy yarn well suited wooden or plastic tools – cloth turns soft, loose, in which the visible beauty of the yarn. Before you begin, you should check the quality of the spokes. They should be smooth, even the slightest roughness prevent Slip the thread and it will make it hard work.

Of great importance is the working end grinding tool: it should not be very sharp so as not to injure the finger and not bifurcate the working thread, but do not have to be blunt – blunt hook (Needle) is difficult to enter into a loop. Fix the end of a metal needle (hook) can be a file or sandpaper. Large items that are on both sides of closed edges (for details, jackets, scarves), knitting needles from one end of the working and a small ring or ball on the other end. These needles are said to be closed. For products that are knitted in a circle, so it turned out, without seams (back in front with a skirt with no seams), used needles, connected to fishing line or Metal Cable. These needles can be connected and simply great detail, with easy to attach crochet drawing. In addition, knitting and line is convenient to take to the road. The spokes on the line are the two working late and called open. Knitting in a circle of small items (mittens, socks) using sets of five spokes, which each have two working late. In addition, they are used in the case when you need extra spokes, for which temporarily remove the loop, and then again return to the main needle, may also need a big pin to temporarily remove the hinges. Hooks can be long and short, with plastic handles and one without. At crochet, knit loops are closed and open loop there but the one working the loop so the loop does not accumulate on the hook, and consequently the length of the hook is not really matter.

Great Britain

To improve toughness, endurance, resistance to abrasion and frost, moisture impermeability, strength of the cut, the resistance to fire, to stretching and bending of concrete – used in fiber reinforcement. Because of this, it is possible low shrinkage of concrete, which leads to increased resistance to fracture during operation. Metal fiber is used in general construction. The main objective is reinforced concrete, fibreboard increase in resistance material stretching. Hardening of the concrete matrix of a fiber can reduce and in some cases, eliminate the traditional ways of reinforcing cages and netting products, which significantly reduces labor costs and time manufacture the final product. Research evidence that an increase in strength under axial tension stalefibrobetona reaches 200% increase in fracture toughness is of particular stalefibrobetona important because it is directly related to the improvement of the entire supporting structure. Studies show the superiority of concrete over conventional dispersnoarmirovannogo to 50%.

Dispersed reinforcement concrete significantly increases the impact resistance of concrete. Established experimentally that the toughness stalefibrobetona above non-reinforced concrete more than 10 times. The definite advantage of a fiber reinforced concrete led to widespread interest in its use in domestic and foreign construction market. More than 15 countries around the world use as a reinforcing material of fibers, including the U.S., Japan, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Austria, Russia, New Zealand and others. There are steel, basalt, cellulose, glass fiber. Fiber concrete – concrete that is reinforced with fibers.

Cement the fibrous concrete in tension can, using the disperse reinforcement. So as adding fiber to the concrete is at the factory, the reinforcing work is required, which proves the efficiency of fiber-reinforced concrete and technicality. When using imported fibers, final price will be higher than that of standard concrete reinforcement. You can improve the operation of applying the domestic fiber, as well as improvement goes TBO. Seismically dangerous zones in buildings, cease to be using fiber-reinforced concrete. Stalefibrobetona has a very large range of applications. It is used for the decking of bridges, tunnels, vaults them to arrange, it is used for bank vaults and fortifications, etc. Bridge Engineering – an industry where can be realized major benefits stalefibrobetona. Also, it's great for low-rise housing


Claydite does not decay and rust, having the best properties of both wood and synthetic stone. Claydite characterized by good insulation parameters. Different kinds of tests of expanded clay gravel, is a placeholder, which were conducted by research institutes have shown that the use of expanded clay makes it possible to reduce heat loss by more than 75 percent of primary-zanolnitel keramsit concrete block-npodykt obzhiga vsnychivayuschixsya nopod clay. Claydite is nlotny, kpynnonopisty and nopizipovanny, and no-naznacheniyu tenloizolyatsionny, constructive and tenloizolyatsionny konctpyktivny. For ctpoitelstva usually icnolzyyut blocks constructive tenloizolyatsionnogo keramsit.

Like any other type of concrete, not claydite gopit not npomokaet, ne noddaetcya rot. Claydite obladaet low tenlonpovodnostyu: pocciyskix in climatic conditions no nopmam doctatochno Shout in a number of ystanavlivat bloki of concrete with expanded clay in the form of bricks or cubes-nemalovazhen tot the fact that the blocks of ctpoitelctvo keramsit otnocitcya to so quickly to nazyvaemomy, ie vyctroennaya kopobka should not stand and okonchiv ocnovnye construction work, you can also tyt nepexodit to finish. Kpome of claydite legko sochetaetcya all dpygimi ctpoitelnymi matepialami (kipnich, reinforced concrete, depevo, etc.). Trim houses of keramsit often shtykatypkoy and color, vnpochem not vozbpanyaetsya litsevoy kipnich vinilovy or siding. In covpemennom construction icnolzyyut not tolko clean blocks of keramsit, Nr and sandwich konstruktsii on THEIR osnove, nanpimep eco-blocks. Ppednriyatiyami vynyckayutcya nryamye, angular, and balochnye tenlobloki keramsit of that opportunity daet cobipat house nodobno konctryktopy.

Each eco-block npedctavlyaet coboy nipog, no edge-kotopogo claydite (thickness, 90 mm), a role-npocloyki tenloizolyatsii vynolnyaet nolictipol (the thickness of the filling of 120 or 170 mm depending From mapki block). Thus, the total thickness of keramsit cteny not npevyshaet 45 cm (thickness of 300 units vynyckayutcya, 350, 400 and 450 mm). Ppevocxodnye ekologicheskie properties of blocks and panels of insulation caused keramsit kachestvom costavlyayuschix matepialov:-concrete, and nenonolictipol going to izgotovleniya blokov, ochen legkie; their nopictaya stpyktupa, on the one hand, nozvolyaet materials (a sledovatelno, and home) dyshat and c-dpygoy zatpudnyaet npotsess tenloobmena is between tenlym vozdyxom Houses and cold streets.

Laying Laminate

When choosing a laminate should focus not only on its visual characteristics, such as color and pattern. Should pay due attention to his work harkteristiki. And the more the laminate is exposed to stress, the higher should be its durability. To date, we can recommend a very durable and resistant to moisture laminate from German manufacturer Tarkett. If you have not been able to choose the right laminate of this manufacturer, then look in the direction of the Belgian manufacturer of Quick step, which is not inferior to the quality of the previous one. It is also worthy of laminate manufacturers are Kronastar, Tarket and Perge.

The only thing to do flatly impossible – to buy laminate flooring on the market or stop your election Chinese laminate. All of the most popular and reputable manufacturers produce laminates of environmentally friendly materials, so that your floor will not exude a harsh chemical smell, and you can make a bed without fear of such a laminate, even in children's rooms. How to lay laminate flooring laminate stack Why? First of all, remember that the floor for laying laminate should be smooth. Allowed only minor variations of not more than 2 millimeters per square meter. Not necessarily remove the old flooring or linoleum on the floor. If the surface is sufficiently flat, a laminate can lay on top of and old flooring. The only exception – carpet.

Its all the same, it is recommended to remove it before installation. Stack laminated boards should be so that the rays of the sun fell on the floor parallel to the seams. Then the seams are less visible, so as not to be cast shadows. Obscure laminate floor heating is possible, but only if the coolant in it – water. In all other cases, too rapid heating damage the castle soedininiya on the boards of laminate.

Property Transfer

Safeguard against abuse of workers and the government in deciding to exclude a person from members of the SRO in the building is enjoined by the law making such decisions need general meeting of the SRO (Part 3. GRK 55.7 RF). For the democratic approach in the construction of SRO and its members are paying urgency decision to exclude – to convene and hold a general meeting takes time, in absentia, such issues are not considered. Excluded, as well as to voluntarily withdraw from the SROs in the construction of the face do not come back paid the entrance fee, membership dues and contributions to the compensation fund SRO organization. At the same time retiring from not having the status of the SRO in the construction of non-profit partnership member in the absence of restrictions in the charter of partnership are entitled to a portion of the property or its value to the value of property transferred to a member of the non-profit partnership to its property, except for membership dues. This, however, does not guarantee members of the Partnership, created under the goal of SRO in the building and not granted the status of CPO before January 1, 2010, return the entry fee and a contribution to the compensation fund. As mentioned, the fee is passed is not a member of the partnership of partnership, and a candidate for its members and returns, as a rule, only one case – if the candidate did not become a member of the partnership, ie, he was refused admission. Concerning the contribution to the compensation fund, in the absence of NP status of SRO can be regarded as target fee.

The question of the return of the deposit outgoing member of the partnership, as well as other members of the partnership, not achieving the goal of obtaining the latest status of the SRO is up to the partnership. A major problem for many organizations is the lack of opportunities to engage in so-called integrated SRO – SRO status under the law in the design, surveyors and builders can not be assigned a non-profit organization. Association Different types of SRO is not provided even on the national level, where it is supposed to set up three national associations SROs – each in its field. Thus, many organizations are building complex, which course of their work do the whole range of works in the construction of capital construction projects – from engineering surveys and preparation of project documentation before the actual construction work will be required to enter once in three SROs and maintain their membership. At the same time, GDC Russia, in contrast to the Law on self-regulatory organizations (see paragraph 4 of Art. 5), allows the participant membership of the construction market in several SROs in the construction of one species at provided that a certificate of admission to a certain type (s) of work given to him only one SRO in the building (Part 7, Art. 55.6 GSC RF).


A property of the flat is to be incapable of if perceiving as such; they do not have notion of its chatice, how much they are invasive, of if discovering inopportune. This property requires common-sense, empatia, requires the capacity to perceive that the other possesss necessities, commitments that not them of them, that the other possesss one gravitates proper to be respected. This they do not possess. The flat do not enxergam beyond its umbigo, or better, them expand the limits, artificially, of the proper one in such a way to involve all its return. Therefore, she does not have space to be respected and all motivation of the citizens its return will be submitted to the ones of them, after all they do not obtain to enxergar you as to be of proper will and necessities. I have the theory that the flat are very devoid, them I costumam to grudar in you. All flat he is ingenuous, if you question with go, they you want to count as not all life was all the day of them – when until that moment.

All flat he is self-centered, all in the room have that to feel heat or cold in the measure of them. They believe that we want to listen to all the claims that will have? e, believes, they always will have several. They had been born to annoy and point. She has diverse flat modalities. The depressive one, the mrbido one, the irritatingly happy one, the humorista, the gosmento, the council members and for goes there? flat is something that multiplies more than rabbit. What you remain you are to develop the ability to perceive the presence of them quickly and to identify them, therefore has of if developing one technique of escape for each type of flat. I do not know a universal method for this.

Intellectual Property Law

The transition from rejection to recognition of intellectual property of its important corporate asset of the company – a trend that is characteristic not only foreign, but also for the Russian economy. The strategy of intellectual Property is one of the main components of the marketing strategy firm. Interest in intellectual property, primarily due to the possibility of receiving additional income from the monopoly use of new technologies or sales of patents and licenses. Intellectual property companies is becoming increasingly expensive asset, the real value of which may not always reflect the principles of accounting. This applies particularly to those sectors where the key role played not only buildings, equipment, how much return on patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other so-called "intangible" assets. For example, the market value of the company "Microsoft" on 25 July 1996. was $ 70.9 billion, despite the fact that, according to the balance sheet net asset value was $ 5.7 billion manufacturing fashion – yet another example, when the intangible assets play a significant role in income generation.

Louren Klein, G. Armani, Pierre Cardin – designers, who made his fortune in the name. Becoming increasingly relevant to identify potential resources of enterprises and increasing effectiveness of the business as a whole through the use of intellectual property. Determining the right strategy and the selection of appropriate tactics with regard to intellectual property is an efficient mechanism for management of modern manufacturing, which allows to rationally organize the current and long-term planning, reduce the financial risks associated with investing. An important element of strategic management of intellectual property is the definition of the main activities of the company's creation (acquisition) and legal protection of intellectual property rights in existing national, foreign laws and international treaties. The main objectives in the strategic management of intellectual property are: – Organize and analyze the use of IP assets – Identify redundant and essential IP assets – The forms and methods of legal protection of IP – the dominant definition of the object IP – Implementation of IP protection, IP Commercialisation – Ending violation of exclusive rights.

Building Homes Of Sandwich Panels

Anyone who wants to build the world a comfortable place to rest from his country house. Enjoying wonderful views of the garden, eating fresh and tasty fruit garden. But first, the most important factor is determine the location of land to build a country house. As usual, people dream of seeing their country house in a posh villa, where you can invite your friends, acquaintances or relatives to mark a holiday or just a break from the bustle of the city. And then you come to the first stage at which, dreams are transferred to paper creating a plan for a future home. And usually at this stage there is a huge number of complexities that require a very large expense. If you decide to build a brick or concrete building, the cost for this construction is very expensive for banging, LLC Dawn offers sandwich panels at very competitive prices.

Therefore, building a country house made of this material may be deposited in another year, maybe more. In addition to the problems of the construction can still join such as interior space, installation of heating, electrical network and the dream of building can be quickly abyss, as they appeared. In place of the long building made of brick or concrete appeared Technology construction of sandwich panels with which the erection of any building type possessed great speed at the lowest cost. With the sandwich panels are erected various cafes, gyms, shopping malls and etc. Also, using this material can be a very short time to build a full-fledged cottage or a small villa for relaxation and gardening. Built houses of sandwich panels do not require the construction of a powerful and time-consuming foundation, even with all its powerful appearance in the design has very low weight. Therefore, for the construction would be enough to create the foundation of chairs in shallow water.

New York

When understanding the irony as a figure that consists of saying something accurately in contrast of what it is being said. Of this form, the authors mark its narratives with a certain falseamento on the part of the narrators in autoconscincia exercise, auto-reflection with a tone antibourgeois In ' ' The Red Mattered one of No' ' the narrator-personage goes to try to carry through of its dream of american way of life in Meca of the consumerism: New York. It could only there be happy. No longer text of Mirisola the narrator-personage has all the conditions to be happy is enough only a little of varnish here. In the first one, a extenuante repetition of expressions seems to leave done one gushes out where the narrator seems to want to prove exactly for itself that it is the only one that he has the capacity to leave the chaos where if finds. its ' ' administrator brain knows that you provide to take.

I looked the development in each instant of my life. I know accurately where I want chegar.' ' (p.596) Paradoxicalally, at another moment, it that, as affirmed, it has the reins of its life, therefore its pragmatic thought provided this condition to it, appeals, more than a time, the God to reaffirm its condition of ' ' chosen for the great Providncia' '. ' ' Now I understand the designs of the nature, the intention of the destination. Now I can understand God, who is to my side and makes to rain money in New York. ' ' (p.597) Or as in this another one ticket, where if it uses to advantage of the onipresena of God, however, only in the chosen city, ' ' God is in all New York. ' ' (p.597) At another moment, the narrator, beyond showing its privacy with the holy ghost, if diviniza from a game of silogsticas ideas where he consists of saying that ' ' God is also a great administrator, as I, Pablo and all the New Yorkers.