For a family of 2-3 people is enough to arrange a pit of 1.5 m3. It can be a square with sides of 1 m and a depth of 1.5 m. The walls of the pit is made of wood, brick or rubble, or concrete. The bottom of the sump has a bias toward the door. To the ground water did not penetrate dirt and into the pit – ground water, the walls and floor must be waterproof vygreba: plastered brick or concrete, well prokonopachennymi (if made of logs), and the outside walls and under the bottom of an earthen castle vygreba suit (the layer of compacted clay liquid without impurities) with a thickness of 20-30 cm from the sump must be done on the hood of 70-80 cm above roof toilet. The upper part of the cottage toilets are usually built of boards, tight-fitting to each other. The roof are covered with any roofing material on a solid crate. In one of the walls make the vent, which stud net.
Septic tanks are unacceptable if you plan to use feces. In this case, the most applicable, and simple hygienic latrine-type powders, toilet (it's the same "house dressing", which put an ordinary wooden toilet seat and lid, is located next to a container with peat.), in which dirt backfilled with dry peat dry earth, ashes, destroying odor. This toilet can be placed anywhere, block other buildings such as summer shower to give. The absence of the sump – the main structural feature powders-closet. Instead, you can use wooden or metal box or bucket. Box or a bucket placed under stool and dirt immediately fall asleep. Periodically emptied a bucket or box, putting a lot of compost pits (their depth may be 0.5-1 m).
Room cottage toilet may take the form of a tent, which is especially useful for broadened the basis of placement in boxes for storage of peat, sawdust, ashes. House-hut board structure does not require the production of load-bearing frame. The roof panel is made of planks lap top is closed metal or wooden hobby-horse. Above the door is left triangular transom for ventilation. To obtain valuable organic fertilizer in the economic area equipped with the compost heap. It lays the remains of food, kitchen waste, garbage, tops, leaves, weeds and other household garbage. Make a pit deeper than 50 cm of arbitrary size. Along the edges of her erect skirting height of 20-30 cm of boards or bricks. At the bottom is laid a layer of loose peat thickness of 10-15 cm, and the accumulation of debris 20-30 cm layer of peat and pour their land and abundantly watered fecal liquid. Compost occasionally shovel, adding superphosphate, phosphate flour, and an acid soil on the site – lime or wood ash. A year and a half, the contents of the compost pile can be used as fertilizer. On the compost heap can not pour soapy water. Not be allowed to compost pit to have access the fly. High temperature during ripening kills germs that makes compost in sanitary harmless. The compost is ready when it is impossible to distinguish some of its constituent parts.