The Pit

For a family of 2-3 people is enough to arrange a pit of 1.5 m3. It can be a square with sides of 1 m and a depth of 1.5 m. The walls of the pit is made of wood, brick or rubble, or concrete. The bottom of the sump has a bias toward the door. To the ground water did not penetrate dirt and into the pit – ground water, the walls and floor must be waterproof vygreba: plastered brick or concrete, well prokonopachennymi (if made of logs), and the outside walls and under the bottom of an earthen castle vygreba suit (the layer of compacted clay liquid without impurities) with a thickness of 20-30 cm from the sump must be done on the hood of 70-80 cm above roof toilet. The upper part of the cottage toilets are usually built of boards, tight-fitting to each other. The roof are covered with any roofing material on a solid crate. In one of the walls make the vent, which stud net.

Septic tanks are unacceptable if you plan to use feces. In this case, the most applicable, and simple hygienic latrine-type powders, toilet (it's the same "house dressing", which put an ordinary wooden toilet seat and lid, is located next to a container with peat.), in which dirt backfilled with dry peat dry earth, ashes, destroying odor. This toilet can be placed anywhere, block other buildings such as summer shower to give. The absence of the sump – the main structural feature powders-closet. Instead, you can use wooden or metal box or bucket. Box or a bucket placed under stool and dirt immediately fall asleep. Periodically emptied a bucket or box, putting a lot of compost pits (their depth may be 0.5-1 m).

Room cottage toilet may take the form of a tent, which is especially useful for broadened the basis of placement in boxes for storage of peat, sawdust, ashes. House-hut board structure does not require the production of load-bearing frame. The roof panel is made of planks lap top is closed metal or wooden hobby-horse. Above the door is left triangular transom for ventilation. To obtain valuable organic fertilizer in the economic area equipped with the compost heap. It lays the remains of food, kitchen waste, garbage, tops, leaves, weeds and other household garbage. Make a pit deeper than 50 cm of arbitrary size. Along the edges of her erect skirting height of 20-30 cm of boards or bricks. At the bottom is laid a layer of loose peat thickness of 10-15 cm, and the accumulation of debris 20-30 cm layer of peat and pour their land and abundantly watered fecal liquid. Compost occasionally shovel, adding superphosphate, phosphate flour, and an acid soil on the site – lime or wood ash. A year and a half, the contents of the compost pile can be used as fertilizer. On the compost heap can not pour soapy water. Not be allowed to compost pit to have access the fly. High temperature during ripening kills germs that makes compost in sanitary harmless. The compost is ready when it is impossible to distinguish some of its constituent parts.

Port Administration

The paranaense and Brazilian agronegcio has given constant demonstrations of when it contributed for the Brazilian economy, generating taxes, taxes, new jobs, new investments and he has not received the minimum reciprocity from the governments that until then had been responsible for the destinations of the Paran and Brazil. (*) Arab company goes to manage main North American ports: Baltimore, Miami, New Jersey, New Orles, New York and Filadlfica. In the country that one of the biggest volumes of maritime load movement withholds, the privatization of the ports already is a reality. That is, the governmental actions are being directed for what they had been always created: bureaucracy, to manage taxes and what the Constitution determines.

Less to become involved itself in what it generates much money Still in relation to the Port of Paranagu. They promise a terminal for tourist. A cradle especially constructed to receive ships destined to national and international tourism. If to analyze the possibility of a ship with 56.000 tons, 252 meters of length, 29 meters of width and with capacity for 2.100 tourists and a crew of 750 people, to bring alongside in Paranagu and the 1050 tourist, the half, to decide to visit the city and logical to lunch. Exists a restaurant capable to support this demand? A few days ago personage informed an interesting me that the maritime tourism in the paranaense coast is irreversible, that great ships would start to frequent the paranaenses ports and from them the passengers, would have the chance to visit Curitiba and Foz of the Iguau. Again we imagine the half of the passengers of the same ship -1050 – they disembark and they decide to go to the Curitiba of bus. 30 buses especially freighted for such would be necessary approximately.

Or still they decide to go to the Estuary of the Iguau for by airmail. They had imagined to accomodate 1050 passengers in the flights for Estuary of the Iguau? When it is said of ports is very important to know to distinguish Port directed toward Exportation and Importation and Port specialized in receiving tourist. Brazil still lacks of professionals specialized in Port Administration. It needs to review some concepts old that services of utmost importance for the Brazilian economy, must be of only exclusive governmental ability. Brazil needs an integrated plan of production of grains and proteins of animal origin (birds, swines and bovines) and liquid granaries (etanol and demogado oil), with the system of storage, improvement and industrialization, that in turn will have to be in accord with perfect and safe modal. Finally these productions to find its destination final: Maritime port with competitive prices, modern and safe logistic services and without corruption.

Spurlock Supersize

What is the quality of food in modern man? The vast majority of food we grow ourselves in an environmentally clean conditions, and we buy in the store. As a result, our table get products in which the addition of mineral nutrients, also contain nitrates, pesticides, preservatives We need our body to nitrates and pesticides? No not needed. But they increase the harvest, so farmers used and will use them. A preservative increase revenues food, so food manufacturer to use, and would enjoy preservatives. Many of the products are subjected to various methods of technological processing (refining, canning, cooking tools, etc.), which deprive them of their last reserves of vitamins and minerals. That As for meat products, even according to official statistics 30% of meat products contain antibiotics that are used to accelerate the growth of animals. 10% of food products contain heavy metals (mercury, lead, of cadmium ).

And of course, undisputed champion in the poisoning of our health is so-called fast food industry. It has already caused and continues to inflict enormous damage to health. But despite this, more and More and more people use the services ‘M & Donalds’ and similar systems. Influenced by advertising, many families even in the home enjoy fast food. And no one seriously tried to ban these products. Have you seen at least one label reads: ‘Ministry of Health warns: fast food harmful to your health! ” In this connection, get to know one history: In February 2004, the film came out in theaters in New York filmmaker Morgan Spurlock Supersize me (on behalf of the enlarged portion of M & Donalds – Supersize).


A fund which exploit gold on the property, actually hardly find consistency, can a better start time October 31, 2011. Just the end Greece discussion went and already the first vote because Italy are loud. Many investors want to know at least a part of their assets and what’s better than gold? The Fund of Canada gold trust 1 GmbH & co. KG this particularly interesting properties stands out. Because the fund company’s business focuses on the economic exploitation of the degradation of natural resources much gold-bearing land plots in Canada. This is a variety of opinion.

For this purpose the fund company is awarded standing capital through a loan you for the investment to provide the Canadian investment company Mary Creek gold mines Inc. has backed up the rights to the extraction of gold claims in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The capital is used to explore the gold deposits in the claims, to dismantle the existing gold and sell. Requirements interesting in light of peak prices for the precious metal. Just the strict environmental protection regulations in Canada and the very positive economic development of the country in favour of the Fund. The target size of the Fund amounts to EUR 10 million and EUR 15 million increase.

A participation is possible from 10,000 euros of plus five per cent premium. The participation is designed on 3 half years. The repayment of the loan of Canada gold trust 1 GmbH & co. KG as well as the forecast distribution of 14 percent per year at the investor level from the proceeds of the gold mining of Mary Creek gold mines Inc. primarily operated. Are distributions amounting to 14 percent starting in 2012, accumulated 146 per cent will be including the repatriation of investment capital. Up to November 30 this year, there is also an early artist bonus of five percent. The experienced banks CAPITAL AG has taken over the exclusive distribution for the Fund. Board Member Manfred banks: we have local and. Canada Gold Trust Launches First Fund

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Internet German

Online platform simplifies the product search on the Internet and provides free listings for solar equipment, copiers and telephone systems Strausberg/Berlin, 22 February 2011 more than 79 percent of the Germans start the search for a product or service on the Internet. This is a recently published study of the high-tech Association BITKOM. The problem: This search is sometimes very costly and time-intensive for larger purchases and complicated products. After a nearly year-long development phase, the German buying advice starts with the aim to solve this problem. The platform gives interested parties from the Internet to local dealer for this purpose. By the end of the year, offers more than 30 products and services to be acquired total nationwide. Free listings for solar equipment, copiers and telephone systems the German buying advice focuses so expensive and often complex products rarely procured in the future primarily on solar systems, copiers and telephone systems. In addition it gives Company also offers for franking machines, forklift, espresso maker, plotter, thermal imaging cameras, Web Designer or water dispenser. By the end of 2011, more than 30 products should be in the portfolio of the Germany-wide buying advice. German buying advice currently the company employs nearly 20 people, mainly in the areas of online marketing, product advice and it. currently registered approximately 5,000 providers in the country-wide network. About ten times, approximately 50,000 users visit the site per month. Since the beginning of 2010, already more than 20,000 requests were conveyed. With the concept of online matching of interested buyer the German purchase advice on the list of already successful online marketing portals such as BuyerZone, Quotatis, customer portal, Approvedindex, VomFachmann, seamlessly. So does the innovative product placement in the Internet investor, businessman or Secretary, today informed almost every user before purchasing an expensive purchase on the Internet. The German Buying advice has recognized this trend and offers the ability to compare offers of multiple dealer for free with their service of buyers. To the German purchase consulting brings together interested parties with appropriate suppliers from the same region. The seeker specifying detailed information about type and requirements of the desired product on the company’s Web site. The vendors who are interested in this question, can acquire a brokerage fee of the German buying advice and then contact the customer contact. So the German buying advice saves the searcher valuable time and provides them with appropriate and comparable offers from their region. For more information,

German Humana

Humana launches a nationwide cooperative action in favour of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Humana launches a nationwide cooperative action in favour of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. On the Internet platform can as of now each support family-friendly facilities and projects or good ideas, the parents and facilitate the everyday life in the interactive map of happy places”enter. Humana would like to thank every post with a donation of one euro to the German children’s Fund. In this way, at least 10,000 euros together to come. Whether rental-OMA, childcare, hairdressing Studio stroller suitable course in the local drug store or family-friendly restaurants pragmatic and smart initiatives facilitate parents everyday.

Humana attaches here to support parents. This first new offerings should be developed for parents. Intensive searches but were now great work that countless initiatives are often only a few known. That’s why we make it to the task of such projects and family-friendly places in our happy places map ‘ to wear, to give them more public and to connect parents with each other better. In addition, Humana supports the German children’s Fund on the occasion of his 40th birthday.

For each new entry in the map, Humana donates one euro to the German Kinderhilfswerk”explains avid Kopp Meier, CEO of Humana GmbH. we are pleased to be part of this beautiful action. Humana initiated a project that relieved families and enriches their lives together here. Because, often, parents of small children need nothing more than a little support in the turbulent everyday life between work, home and education”emphasizes Holger Hofmann, Federal Manager of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. The recommendations on in the interactive map can be entered now. More than 10,000 tips to come together until September by parents for parents. The action lives join and spread the word, because the more parents the happy places Complete map”, it is all the more useful for others. for a child-friendly Germany, in Munich founded in 1972. The non-profit association committed as initiator and promoter for 40 years for children’s rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.

New DualSIM Touchscreen

Allview brings a new dual-SIM touchscreen F2 crony on the market Allview brings a new dual-SIM phone F2 crony on the market, in the month of April that a 3 inch touch screen, dimensions of 107 x 53 x 12, 5 mm, camera with Flash and Internet connection through GPRS and EDGE will have. The device is aimed at boys with strong and nonkonformister personality thanks to the original menu of but also the shape and colors that define the design. F2 crony has an interface with three virtual screens can be navigated between them and which can be personalized with widgets. The interface also features an interactive menu bar, which you can access the important mobile phone functions. owner is the place to go. The uses of mobile phones will be attached to the two available keyboards, one qwerty and one classic, which can be activated according to choice and the copy/paste function on the basis of one links, phrases and words in other text modules can add up. As regards the multimedia support has F2 crony FM broadcasting, audio – and Videoaufnahmeapplikation, 3.2MP camera with Flash and Media Player, the both the audio as acuh plays the video files. The 2.0 A2DP Bluetotooth function transmits stereo audio signals to the compatible devices.

Acuh through Bluetooth sync F2 crony the agenda, the calendar and the memory tasks based on a synchronization server. F2 crony can be connected to the Internet through GPRS and EDGE at low cost through the pre-installed bolt browser. The access to the social networks and some useful applications such as: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Picasa is made possible by the pre-installed Snaptu application, while the instant messaging service is the eBuddy application be possible that is compatible with MSN, AIM, Yahoo!, Google talk. F2 crony will offer direct access to the Allview Applikationenladen of which the users can download free hundreds of games and useful programs. The media files can be stored in the internal memory or on the SD micro card up to 16 GB. Thanks to the 900mAh battery will be zuscihern the mobile phone a beeps of 180 h and 4 h of talk time.

Contact: Andra BLAJ, PR Manager, Tel. 0040268 337-085 about: Allview is a Romanian company founded in the year 2002, producers and distributors of dual-SIM phones and electronic products. The Allview phones offer to call the possibilities of separation of the business meetings of the personal conversations or in different networks to lower costs.

Solar Expert Accompanied Foreign Minister On State Visit

“Germany and India 2011 2012: infinite possibilities of Germany and India 2011 2012: infinite possibilities. This is the guideline, which is the current visit of German Foreign Minister in India. But he will visit not only India, Bangladesh also. Patrick Thoma, Managing Director of the Bavarian J.v.G Thoma GmbH and the Jurassic wattage is on Board of the plane in which Guido Westerwelle is sitting as a member of the business delegation. Freystadt/Oberpfalz the program over the two days on the spot on the 22nd and 23.6.2012 is closely connected, the expectations on both sides up. Patrick Thoma: We are interested in how many other innovative German companies keen to invest in India. The topic of renewable energies and particularly photovoltaics, which is our specialty, has a high priority but also in Bangladesh.” Participants talk Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna, the Foreign Minister of the Republic of India, the Governor of Karnataka and the Chief Minister of the region.

Saturday, 23. June continues to Dhaka, here is Dipu Moni, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the people’s Republic Bangladesh politicians and economic experts invited. In the evening, a conversation with the Prime Minister is planned. As informed the Foreign Ministry in his official announcement, bilateral relations, further expansion of the partnership are at the heart of the visit to the two Asian countries. It comes also to promote confidence in Europe and the euro”. Guido Westerwelle visited India for the third time, he is in his position as Secretary of State for the first time in Bangladesh. J.v.G.

Thoma GmbH J.v.G. Thoma GmbH is industry leader with regard to the construction of entire solar factories. The company is holder of numerous patents, allowing the module technology of J.v.G on the market occupied a leading position. Current developments include the so-called desert and high-performance, flexible CIGS modules. J.v.G. Thoma operates internationally and advises and supports clients in all phases of the construction of turnkey plants. The seat of the Company is Freystadt in the Upper Palatinate. More information about the visit of the Foreign Minister can be found on the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs press contact: j. v. G. Thoma GmbH Moningerberg 1a 92342 Freystadt Tel.: 0049 / (0) 9179-94 60 680 fax: 0049 / (0) 9179-90 522 Internet: email: press: Werner Thoma

Maintaining A Good Diet

Keep a diet of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products with low fat content, which can help protect the heart. Legumes, low- fat sources of protein and certain types of fish may also reduce the risk of heart disease. Restriction of certain fats that you eat is also important. Of the types of fat – saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and trans fats – saturated fats and trans fats increase the risk of coronary heart disease by raising blood cholesterol levels. Healthy eating is not only reducing the amount of food. Most people, for example, should add more vegetables and fruits in the diet – from 5 to 10 servings a day.

It is known that many fruits and vegetables may not only help prevent heart disease but also may help prevent cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as polyunsaturated fat, may reduce the risk of heart attack, protect against irregular heartbeats and lower blood pressure. Some fish are a good natural source of omega-3. However, pregnant women and women of childbearing age should avoid the use of fish such as: shark, swordfish, king mackerel and taylfish because they contain lots of mercury, which poses a risk to the developing fetus. But for most other categories, the health benefits of fish outweigh any risks associated with mercury. Omega-3 are present in small amounts in flaxseed oil, walnut oil, soybean oil and rapeseed oil. The same should abandon the use of alcohol. 4) Maintain a healthy body weight. When you are gaining weight in adulthood, you are likely to dial fat, not muscle.