And if the plants do the electronics for all known brands, the factories on the knees can do at best a simplified copy of reaching this shamelessly low prices. The problem of all products made in China, does not lie directly in quality – it can be excellent and nothing not to give the world standards, and that in order to make the device cheaper – Chinese manufacturer makes it, saving on drugoryadnyh functions, which, incidentally, many people like. Chinese manufacturers can throw out unwanted phone camera-held camera, easing the weight of the phone by 30%, or put in the MP3 or MP4-watch is not leather and metal strap, or just not brendovat goods, because we all know that for example the NEC does not worse than SONY, but in four letters SONY have to pay more, but if you search, you will find that almost all models of monitors SONY (not only), equipped with LCD panels from the factory NEC – such examples are many, we just do not go on the wake of the publicity and not to succumb to the herd instinct. If ever you happen to visit China, be sure to repeat, be sure to check out this paradise of gadgets – it's steeper than Wall of China, Mao Zedong, the Egyptian pyramids and Valley of the Kings, Turkish baths and the Mediterranean, and even Yushchenko and Tymoshenko … And I in turn will try to regularly inform you about the latest and most interesting news from the world of digital devices and not only as far as possible add new products to an online store and do different actions. And I in turn will try to regularly inform you about the latest and most interesting news from the world of digital devices and not only on the ability to add New products online store and do different actions..