German Humana

Humana launches a nationwide cooperative action in favour of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Humana launches a nationwide cooperative action in favour of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. On the Internet platform can as of now each support family-friendly facilities and projects or good ideas, the parents and facilitate the everyday life in the interactive map of happy places”enter. Humana would like to thank every post with a donation of one euro to the German children’s Fund. In this way, at least 10,000 euros together to come. Whether rental-OMA, childcare, hairdressing Studio stroller suitable course in the local drug store or family-friendly restaurants pragmatic and smart initiatives facilitate parents everyday.

Humana attaches here to support parents. This first new offerings should be developed for parents. Intensive searches but were now great work that countless initiatives are often only a few known. That’s why we make it to the task of such projects and family-friendly places in our happy places map ‘ to wear, to give them more public and to connect parents with each other better. In addition, Humana supports the German children’s Fund on the occasion of his 40th birthday.

For each new entry in the map, Humana donates one euro to the German Kinderhilfswerk”explains avid Kopp Meier, CEO of Humana GmbH. we are pleased to be part of this beautiful action. Humana initiated a project that relieved families and enriches their lives together here. Because, often, parents of small children need nothing more than a little support in the turbulent everyday life between work, home and education”emphasizes Holger Hofmann, Federal Manager of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. The recommendations on in the interactive map can be entered now. More than 10,000 tips to come together until September by parents for parents. The action lives join and spread the word, because the more parents the happy places Complete map”, it is all the more useful for others. for a child-friendly Germany, in Munich founded in 1972. The non-profit association committed as initiator and promoter for 40 years for children’s rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.