Campinarana City

In the territorial divisions of 1936 and 1937, Crossroads were formed for the district headquarters and of Macarani, Campinas and Brook of the Jump. Em1943, asede of the city was transferred to the Village of Macarani, then raised to the category of city, and the city of Crossroads was transformed into village of this new city. Only in 1952, through the state law n 511 of 12 of December, the city was restored breaking up itself of Macarani. The new city was constituted of the headquarters and the districts of New Brasilia and Campinarana. The city of Brook of the Plaza, desmembrado of the city of Crossroads, was created in 03 of March of 1989 for State law n 4850, published in Official gazette of 04 of March of 1989. The headquarters were raised to the category of city, when it created the city.

After the emancipation politics, in the first lawsuit, Mr. Pablo de Almeida Light was elect mayor of the city together with the nine councilmen who had composed the City council. Legally, the city belongs to the Judicial district of Crossroads. For not yet having a Parish, it is religiously, subordinated to the one of Crossroads. The majority of the population is catholic and the Padroeiro Saint of the city is Joo Baptist, commemorated annually in 24 of June.

However, the great religious party of the city is not mentioned to the party of the padroeiro, but to ' ' Pilgrimage to the Hollow of Pedro' ' , carried through in 29 of June. The pilgrimage is a tradition that is kept since year of 1925, when the fact happened that gave to origin to the peregrinations to the hollow of the cattle tender Peter. The memory of the city registered and has reproduced the events that had involved the murder of a cattle tender known for Peter de Ana Rita.