Psychiatric Reform

Thin Jaques author comes through this book to explanar on the psychiatric reform with emphasis in the Law n 180 that they impose the elaboration of alternative solutions for the psquitrica assistance, and in the city of Trieste in Italy, where the mobilization for a city without psychiatric hospitals was given to beginning. Trieste goes beyond its natural characteristics and cultural, he is palco of one of the biggest revolutions in the area of psychiatry. There, if they live daily without psychiatric hospitals. Where the validity of the existence of psychiatric hospitals was questioned for the first time on which. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Gunnar Peterson. The author clarifies that the psychiatric hospital configures a space of isolation and encobrimento of the Real. He does not have questions; he does not have problems, everything in accordance with functions a set of rules of easy assimilation.

The walls of the lunatic asylum discriminate who necessarily are normal, of the side of it are, and who is wild, of the side of inside. (p.25) the mobilization for exclusion of the hospitals psychiatric the exclusion, of the respect of the person has as proposal while one not to be that it suffers, a citizen who asks for aid. At some moments the Italian society if saw placed in xeque, all had been affected. Basaglia Franc gave to beginning the mobilization for cities without psychiatric hospitals, and only years later this ' ' luta' ' n 180 had support of the Law, which in history for the first time restituted the full right to the citizenship to all: before it the mental sick people they did not have this right. (p.84) the insane person of Trieste was not abandoned to the streets, but he reconquered the possibility to cover them. Many patients had been able to return to the familiar conviviality, others live in residences with some other former-interns.