Michaela Jankowsky

Pinspire launches a new evaluation tool a Berlin, 06 August 2012 last week Pinspire introduced a new feature as first great online bulletin board for its users. “” Now can registered Pinspire users and visitors to the site the sticky pictures not only like”or comment on, but also as in” or out “rate. “By clicking on the star that appears in the lower-left corner of each image on Pinspire, the user can change this as in” write a review. Click on the broken star in the lower right corner means”out. “” After evaluating the users of online bulletin board automatically appears, how often the image previously as in “or out” was evaluated. “So far all images sticky on Pinspire were commented on, liked” and be pinned on the own walls.

From now on, users can also directly decide what cool, trendy and is inspiring. Pinspires strength lies in the creativity of its users now and her sense of aesthetics and new Trends. For this reason was the new not hesitated, in and out evaluation tool to introduce, after this idea in a brainstorming session. “” Users of online bulletin board can now no longer limited to its message boards collect images that you like, but also of other users evaluate and define yourself what for them in “out” is. For the next few months, Pinspire plans further innovations and special features for its users. Pinspire (www.pinspire.com) was founded in November 2011 and is headquartered in Berlin, Germany.

Pinspire is an online bulletin board, on the user pictures of everything you like or care about, PIN”and collect for themselves, can organize, and share with others. Each user can create countless albums for a wide variety of topics in his profile at Pinspire and this is recorded with images, either itself or from the Internet, fill. Because of the link to the original source of the image is always preserved, Pinspire is ideal, to Shopping desires, recipes or ideas for events as Visual bookmarks to collect and to look up later quickly and easily on the original website. “With the so-called + PIN button”, which is saved in the browser’s bookmarks bar, users can take pictures that they find on the Internet, PIN at any time with just a click directly on their Bulletin Board.